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Bir varmış bir yokmuş.../ Once upon a time...

tüy toplayıcı fırça seti

Bir varmış bir yokmuş, bir zamanlar bir sahil kentinde siyah beyaz ekose bir etek yaşarmış. Bu etek 50 yıllık hayatında hep ağırbaşlı olmuş, hiç yaramazlık yapmamış. Azıcık rüzgar esse hemen dağılır üşürmüş. Biraz güneş görse kavrulur solarmış. Bu yüzden karadan ayrılıp bir kez olsun denize çıkmamış. Ama aklı da hep o mavi sudaymış.
Once upon a time, in a seaside town lived a black and white plaid skirt. This skirt had always been so dignified in her 50 years of life, she had never been naughty. Whenever a little wind had blown she would have felt chilly. Whenever the sun had shined a little she would have faded. Because of this she had never left the land and gone to the sea. But her mind had always been wandering on this blue water. 

50 yıldan sonra bir gün karar vermiş, "Ben denize gideceğim" demiş. "Çok ağırsın, batarsın" demişler. "Hafiflerim" demiş bizimki. Bir ıslık koparmış, makası yanına çağırmış. "Bütün fazlalıklarımı kes" demiş. Makas da beş dakikada kırpmış eteği.
One day after 50 years she had decided and said "I will go out to the sea". "You are too heavy, you will sink" they had replied. "I will lighten up" she had said. She had whistled and called out the scissors. "Cut out all my excess" she had told. And the scissors had trimmed her in five minutes.
"Gidiyoruuuum!" diye bağırmış etek. "Denize giremezsin, yüzme bilmiyorsun" diye durdurmuşlar. "O zaman bir tekne bulurum" demiş. Aramış, bulmuş da. Hem de en yelkenlisinden...
"I am gooooiiiing!" shouted the skirt. "You can't go into the sea, you don't know how to swim" they had said and stopped her. "Then i will find a boat" she had replied. She had searched for and indeed found a boat. One of the best of the sailboats...

"Öyle herkesi almazlar yelkenliye" demiş bir çokbilmiş.
"They don't let everyone on a sailboat" had said a smartpants. 

Bizimki durur mu sarılmış bir denizcinin boynuna, öldürsen bırakmaz. O gün bugündür karaya dönmez, ne rüzgar ne güneş, her daim suda... 
Not impressed a little bit, our skirt had put her arms around the neck of a sailor and would not let go in the pain of death. Since that day she had never returned to land, no wind or sun could have stopped her, she is always on water...

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