Bu kadar kötülüğün içinde boğulmamak için tek yapabildiğim nefes almaya çalışmak. Bazen de bir şeyler karalamak. Moralim düzelsin diye biraz renk aramak. Birilerinin dediği gibi belki de bu dünya başka bir evrenin cehennemidir...
İstanbul, bomba, sırada ne var kim bilebilir?
All i can do is to try to breathe in all this evil that suffocates me. Sometimes to doodle a little bit. To search for some color to cheer myself. Perhaps, as they say, this world is the hell of another universe...
İstanbul, bomb, who knows what is next?
Bu kartlar sanki benim elimden çıkmadı, belki de kendime yabancılaştım.
It feels as if these cards were not made by me, perhaps i became a stranger to myself.
It feels as if these cards were not made by me, perhaps i became a stranger to myself.
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